Thursday, December 20, 2012

Everything That's Wrong With Me.

At the very beginning of this hellhole I call a blog, I wanna rant about everything that’s wrong with me. As a fellow hypocrite and a person with minor self-esteem issues, I see a lot of things in me that I wish weren’t there. I draw an agenda and try to do something about it but the next thing I know I’m looking at pictures of tiny rabbits on internet.

I also blame a lot of stuff on internet
I’ve created countless blogs in my past and even have deleted several of them out of sheer embarrassment because they all make me look like I’m 21st century’s Adolf Hitler. And the second Justin Beiber.
The thing I hate most about me is how unproductive I am. Unlike most kids in Asia, I spend very little time doing things that has a practical benefit, like studying. Mostly I just harass the people on my Facebook, find new ways to offend the social justice bloggers and check the expiry dates for all restraining orders.

Here's another cute rabbit if you wouldn't tell anyone about the "restraining order" part.

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